Sheir from Ottawa

Sheir Ali





Sheir was born in Guyana, South America where he spent his first decade of life. Most people never guess South America or even Guyana when they first met him. His parents and little sister moved to Ottawa, Canada where he  currently still lives. But not for too long as he bought a little slice of Costa Rica and is planning to build a nice house on it. 

                Sheir loves to travel and go on adventures.  His profession as a software developer has allowed him to fund his travels had has visited about 25 countries so far, which is only about 10% of the planet so he has a lot to more to traveling  (exploration) in his future.

                When not working or traveling, Sheir likes to be active with various activities such as hiking, rock climbing, ice climbing, indoor wall climbing, ziplining, caving, hula hooping, trampolining, wire-walking and trying to stay fit by doing some astanga yoga and kettlebells. Sheir also really enjoys going to Cirque du Soleil shows and has seen about 15 of them by last count.