Dreams of Highways - What was once a dream in the eyes of the administration of Rodrigo Carazo Odio, President of Costa Rica back in 1979 when the first plans for the Caldera Highway were conceived, is soon to become reality. Over 30 years ago the Caldera Highway project was initially planned. Work did not begin on the project for many more years, grinding to a halt about 10 years ago after it was discovered that the government had not yet expropriated all the land needed to build the road. About three years ago, President Oscar Arias got the project back on track.
Costa Rica Blog
The final Section of The Caldera - San Jose, Costa Rica Highway is now open!
Posted by Steve Linder on Wed, Jan, 27, 2010
Tags: Caldera Highway, San Jose Puntarenas highway, Autopista del sol, Transportation, Costa Rica Infrastructure, Oscar Arias, Costa Rica highway