Many of you may realize that last week International Living held an event at the San Jose Marriott "Live and Invest in Costa Rica". As the sponsor for the event, we provided the entire conference with an opening cocktail reception with open bar and appetizers. I also gave a presentation during the event about our project in Costa Rica and we had a booth in the exhibit room. The Marriott is a beautiful hotel and the conference center is equally as nice. The event was attended by over 200 people.
Costa Rica Blog
International Living Event in Costa Rica and 4 back to back tours
Posted by Steve Linder on Sun, Aug, 22, 2010
Tags: Caldera Highway, Costanera Highway, international living, International Living Event, Discovery Tour, Hotel Marriott San Jose, Costa Rica
I arrived in Quito last night to set up my booth for International Living´s `'Ultimate Event'. The event runs all week at the Swissotel in Quito and we (Pacific Lots) are the major sponsor of the event. I have three speaking spots, one on Costa Rica in General, one on our developments and one on health tourism in Costa Rica. I managed to get our 10 foot display here in one piece, along with our pòsters, DVD´s, brochures, etc. Keep in mind that Quito is 8,000 feet elevation and remember that I live at sea level so I will likely feel like a guppy out of water for the next 6 days.
Tags: Ecuador, International Living Event, Quito